functions exercises+answers

Review functions for 2nd year Baccalaureate Exercise 1 match the following sentences with their functional meaning The first one is done for you as an example Expressions Answers Functions 1 - I apologize for that 1 - A - Responding negatively to a suggestion 2 - If only Tom stopped being absent from school 2 - B - COMPLAINING 3 - Really Congratulations 3 - C - MAKING OFFERS 4 - I dont share your view He is a good boy 4 - D - EXPRESSING LACK OF UNDERSTANDING 5 - Thats ok but please dont do it again 5 - E - EXPRESSING REGRET 6 - If I were you I would talk to him about it 6 - F - RESPONDING TO COMPLAINTS 7 - I agree with you about this issue 7 - G - RESPONDING TO BAD NEWS 8 - Would you like me to talk with him about it 8 - H - MAKING REQUESTS 9 - No lets not 9 - I - RESPONDING TO GOOD NEWS 10 - Thanks Dont bother yourself Ill do it myself 10 - G - ASKING FOR OPINION 11- It seems to me that he was wrong in his attitude 11 - K - ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION 12 - Im sorry I didnt realize it 12 - L - APOLOGIZING say sorry 13 - Would you mind bringing the absenteeism sheet 13 - M - DISAGREEING 14 - What should I do with this problem 14 - N - ACCEPTING APOLOGY 15 - Could you explain this point 15 - O - ASKING FOR ADVICE 16 - I am not sure I got youre your point 16 - P - AGREEING 17 - Whats your opinion about child abuse 17 - Q - GIVING OPINION 18 - My goodness When did he have that accident 18 - R - DECLINING OFFERS 19 - I am sorry to say this but the radio is too loud 19 - S - GIVING ADVICE Exercise 2 Find the appropriate function for each expression The first one is done as an example Expression Function 1 I strongly believe girls must complete their studies a Giving opinion 2 What should I do to lose some weight b 3 Could you make your point clearer c 4 Sorry to say this but the service here is too bad d 5 Pardon us for thiswe shall make it better e 6 Incredible When did you get your visa f 7 I wish I did what you told me g 8 Could you lend me your book please h 9 Can I help you Maam i 10 How about watching a film this afternoon j Exercise 3 WRITE APPROPRIATE RESPONSES TO THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS NOTE any appropriate answer is accepted as long as it expresses the right function A- 1 You are staying in a hotel The room is dirty You complain to the hotel manager 2 Teacher You are late again You apologize
B- 1 You didnt bring your textbook to class today Apologize to your teacher and give a reason You 2 You need a mobile to call your parents Make a request to your friend You C- 1 Friend I have a terrible fever You Give advice 2 Neighbor You were playing loud music late last night I couldnt sleep You Apologize to your neighbor D- 1 Your friend Ive just bought a new mobile phone You Respond to this good news 2 Your classmate lent you a dictionary but you lost it You Apologize E- 1 Teacher You can download the text as a PDF document You express lack of understanding 2 Your friend has just got her university degree She has two options look for a job or continue her studies You give her advice F- 1 You dont know how to write a CV in English You Make a request to your teacher 2 Your classmate cant decide what to do during the holidays You Make a suggestion
G- Manager Can I help you sir You complain about the bad service in the restaurant Manager apologize and promise to talk to the waiter You Thank you H- 1 Your friend Watching TV is just a waste of time You express disagreement and give a reason 2 Sohayb I think Ive become a computer- games addict Leila give him advice I- dne rrieoY diffa is the mnst Yelitines rnnY une eneress Yisa reemeot J- Suggest to your classmates to clean your classroom You K- Your father I told you not to do that before You express your regret L- You ask your friend to help you with the exercise Your friend apologizes because he is busy M- Your friend he thinks girls are more intelligent than boys You give your opinion N- An old man asks you to help him with his heavy bag You accept to help him
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEY ANSWERS TO REVIEW FUNCTIONS Exercise 1 Expressions Answers Functions 1 - I apologize for that 1 - L A - Responding negatively to a suggestion 2 - If only Tom stopped being absent from school 2 - E B - COMPLAINING 3 - Really Congratulations 3 I C - MAKING OFFERS 4 - I dont share your view He is a good boy 4 M D - EXPRESSING LACK OF UNDERSTANDING 5 - Thats ok but please dont do it again 5 N E - EXPRESSING REGRET 6 - If I were you I would talk to him about it 6 S F - RESPONDING TO COMPLAINTS 7 - I agree with you about this issue 7 P G- RESPONDING TO BAD NEWS 8 - Would you like me to talk with him about it 8 C H - MAKING REQUESTS 9 - No lets not 9 A I - RESPONDING TO GOOD NEWS 10 - Thanks Dont bother yourself Ill do it myself 10 R J - ASKING FOR OPINION 11- It seems to me that he was wrong in his attitude 11 Q K - ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION 12 - Im sorry I didnt realize it 12 F L - APOLOGIZING say sorry 13 - Would you mind bringing the absenteeism sheet 13 H M- DISAGREEING 14 - What should I do with this problem 14 O N - ACCEPTING APOLOGY 15 - Could you explain this point 15 K O- ASKING FOR ADVICE 16 - I am not sure I got youre your point 16 D P- AGREEING 17 - Whats your opinion about child abuse 17 J Q - GIVING OPINION 18 - My goodness When did he have that accident 18 - G R - DECLINING OFFERS 19 - I am sorry to say this but the radio is too loud 19 B S - GIVING ADVICE Exercise 2 Expression Function 11 I strongly believe girls must complete their studies k Giving opinion 12 What should I do to lose some weight l Asking for advice 13 Could you make your point clearer m Asking for clarification 14 Sorry to say this but the service here is too bad n Expressing complaint 15 Pardon us for thiswe shall make it better o apologizing 16 Incredible When did you get your visa p Responding to good news 17 I wish I did what you told me q Expressing regret 18 Could you lend me your book please r Making request 19 Can I help you Maam s Making offer 20 How about watching a film this afternoon t Making suggestion Exercise 3 NB These are possible answers Any appropriate answer is accepted as long as it expresses the right function A- 1 You are staying in a hotel The room is dirty You I have a complaint about the room complain to the hotel manager 2 Teacher You are late again You I am sorry Sir I apologize for that Apologize
B- 1 You didnt bring your textbook to class today Apologize to your teacher and give a reason You I am sorry Sir but I forgot to bring my book because I spent the night at my cousins house 2 You need a mobile to call your parents Make a request to your friend You Could you please lend me your mobile phone I need to call my parents C- 1 Friend I have a terrible fever You You should take a medicine or see a doctor Give advice 2 Neighbor You were playing loud music late last night I couldnt sleep You oh please accept my apology Apologize to your neighbor D- 1 Your friend Ive just bought a new mobile phone You Lucky you Its a nice mobile phone Respond to this good news 2 Your classmate lent you a dictionary but you lost it You Please forgive me but I lost your dictionary Apologize E- 1 Teacher You can download the text as a PDF document You Could you repeat please Express lack of understanding 2 Your friend has just got her university degree She has two options look for a job or continue her studies You Youd better think twice before yon take any decision give her advice F- 1 You dont know how to write a CV in English You Teacher Would you mind please showing me how to write a CV in English Make a request to your teacher 2 Your classmate cant decide what to do during the holidays You why dont you travel Ouerzazate Its beautiful at that time of the year Make a suggestion
G- Manager Can I help you sir You m afraid I have a complaint about the service here This is not what we ordered Complain about the bad service in the restaurant Manager We are sorry Sir I shall talk to the waiter about it Apologize and promise to talk to the waiter You Thank you H- 1 Your friend Watching TV is just a waste of time You I disagree with you there are plenty of educational channels Express disagreement and give a reason 2 Sohayb I think Ive become a computer- games addict Leila Ir I were une I wnelY elau snme senrts tn heal muselr rrnm that aYYittino give him advice I- dner rrieoY dffa is the mnst Yelitines rnnY dne I Yn a ree with une Eneress a reemeot J- Suggest to your classmates to clean your classroom You Why dont we clean our class and make it nicer K- Your father I told you not to do that before You I wish I did your advice express your regret L- You could you possibly help me with the exercise ask your friend to help you with the exercise Your friend I am sorry but I have to take care of my little sister He apologizes because he is busy M- Your friend I think girls are more intelligent than boys He thinks girls are more intelligent than boys You in my opinion girls are more intelligent than boys boys are more intelligent than girls give your opinion N- An old man asks you to help him with his heavy bag could you please help me with my heavy bag young man You Of course with pleasure Accept to help him


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These are exercises that target the Functions area (which weights 4 points in the Baccalaureate National exam).It aims at making the students familiar / acquainted with the type of questions they have on the day of the exam in this rubric .Key answers are also included. لتحميل الدرس الخاص بالتمارين هنا
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functions exercises answers
functions exercises answers bacdoc bac doc dok document cours bacalaureat bacalauréat baccalauréat bacalauréat bacalaureat baccalauréa baccalaurea maroc باك دوك باكدوك دروس بكالوريا باكلوريا باكالوريا المغرب 2014 2015 2016