امتحانات وطنية انجليزية 2010

4 3 س المعامل مدة اإلنجاز المادة الشعبة أو المسلك NR10 الصفحة 1 1 KEY AND MARKING SCALE Please accept any appropriate answer not mentioned in this key ICOMPREHENSION 15 POINTS Candidates should not be penalised for grammar and spelling mistakes A CHART FILLING 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer Occupation Banker and economist Year when he began lending money 1976 Amount of money Grameen Bank has lent till now 638 billion B TRUEFALSE 2 pts 1 pt for each correct and justified answer 1 False Even industrialised onescountries 2 True He received the Nobel Prize C QUESTIONS 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 Micro credit small loans 2 They not only use the money they get from the bank better andor they are careful about paying the money back 3 The bank uses a system of solidarity groups D SENTENCE COMPLETION 2 pts 1 pt for each appropriate answer 1 for the rest of their lifehelp themselves 2 help them give up begging E WORD MEANING 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 obtain 2 charity 3 debt loan F WORD REFERENCE 2 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 women 2 Countries II LANGUAGE 15 POINTS A GAP FILLING 2 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 because of 2 in order to B PHRASAL VERBS 2 pts 05 pt for each correct answer 1 bring about 2 look forward to 3 find out 4 stand for C WORD FORMATION 2 pts 1 pt for each correct answer emigration - professional D VERB TENSES 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer got - had joined - had been E DIALOGUE COMPLETION 2 pts 1 pt for each appropriate answer 1 You should I adviseYoud better Why notetc 2 Im sorry I do apologiseetc F SENTENCE REWRITING 1 might have missed 2 was created 3 that the test would be about 4 had money could buy IIIWRITING 10 POINTS Scoring criteria Scores Relevance of content to the tasks 3 pts Paragraph and composition organisation 2 pts Appropriateness and variety of vocabulary 2 pts Accuracy of grammar 2 pts Mechanics spelling punctuation capitalization 1 pt
اللغة اإلنجليزية - مادة الموضوع - الدورة العادية2010 NR10 ا االمتحان الوطني الموحد للبكالوري- الصفحة 2 3
اللغة اإلنجليزية - مادة الموضوع - الدورة العادية2010 NR10 ا االمتحان الوطني الموحد للبكالوري- الصفحة 3 3


18044 مشاهدة.

Ràmi Hamza

Ràmi Hamza

امتحانات وطنية انجليزية 2010
أرسلت .

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امتحانات وطنية انجليزية 2010
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